Scrubby meaning in Hindi

Scrubby Meaning in Hindi

       Scrubby Meaning in Hindi-  छोटे क़द का

Hey friends, Today, we will be learning the new word, scrubby. Scrubby is an English-language word inferior in size or quality To understand the word  Scrubby Meaning in Hindi we will make use of simple English words.

Let’s understand the Hindi Meaning of Scrubby with the use of simple examples.

English Word Scrubby Meaning in Hindi:

Scrubby= छोटे क़द का

Scrubby meaning in English =  inferior in size or quality


Scrubby  Meaning in English and Hindi

       Word   Meaning in English       Scrubby Meaning in Hindi
   Scrubby  inferior in size or quality
छोटे क़द का


Example use of Scrubby in Sentences:

Sr. No. Example use of Scrubby in English Example use of Scrubby in Hindi
1 His clothes were scrubby, as if he had done many tasks throughout the day. उसके कपड़े स्क्रबी थे, जैसे कि उसने दिनभर में कई काम किए हों।
2 The weather here is so scrubby that everything seems covered in dust. यहाँ का मौसम इतना स्क्रबी है कि सब कुछ धूल से ढंका हुआ लगता है। 
3 His courage is lost somewhere in the scrubby forest of his hair. उसका कलेजा स्क्रबी बालों के इस जंगल में कहीं खो गया है।
4 His settlement was on the scrubby roadside, but he turned it into something beautiful. उसका बस्ता स्क्रबी सड़क के किनारे था, लेकिन उसने उसे अच्छा बनाया।
5 Crops grow in this field, but its soil is scrubby. इस खेत में फसलें उगती हैं, लेकिन इसकी ज़मीन स्क्रबी है।
6 He chose to live in a scrubby hut because he liked the atmosphere of the town. उसने एक स्क्रबी झोपड़ी में रहना चुना था, क्योंकि उसे शहर का महौल अच्छा लगता था।
7 His voice was scrubby, as if he had said a lot. उसकी आवाज़ स्क्रबी थी, जैसे कि उसने बहुत कुछ कहा हो।
8 His hair became scrubby because he hadn’t bathed for a long time. उसके बाल स्क्रबी हो गए थे, क्योंकि उसने लम्बे समय तक नहाया नहीं था।
9 She was wearing a scrubby saree, but her smile was very beautiful. वह एक स्क्रबी सारी पहन रही थी, लेकिन उसकी मुस्कान बहुत ख़ूबसूरत थी।
10 His work was scrubby, but he had put love into it. उसका काम स्क्रबी था, लेकिन उसने इसमें प्यार डाला था।


Scrubby Nouns:

  • Brushwood
  • Thicket
  • Underbrush
  • Scrubland
  • Bracken


Synonyms of Scrubby:

Sr. No. Synonyms of Scrubby in English Synonyms of Scrubby in Hindi
1 Scraggly खुरदुरी या अनियमित रूप से बढ़ा हुआ
2 Shabby बहुत ही बीरा या फिकी
3 Untidy असुविधाजनक या अनुशासित नहीं
4 Ragged असुविधाजनक या अनुशासित नहीं
5 Disheveled बेहद अन्यत्रित या बिगड़ा हुआ
6 Rough कच्चा या कसाई की तरह
7 Tangled उलझा हुआ या जटिल
8 Bedraggled बिगड़ा हुआ या बहुत गीला
9 Scuffed धराई ज़ख़्म या फटे हुए
10 Mangy रोगित या बीमारियों से पीड़ित


Antonyms of Scrubby:

Sr. No. Antonyms of Scrubby in English Antonyms of Scrubby in Hindi
1 Lush सुगंधित और हरित वन्यजन्य
2 Luxuriant बहुत ही फलदार और बड़ा
3 Elegant सुंदर और शैलीष्ठ
4 Well-groomed सुसज्जित और सव्यवस्थित
5 Manicured सुंदरता से देखभाल किया हुआ
6 Tidy सफ़ाईदार और सुसज्जित
7 Neat स्वच्छ और सुशील
8 Well-kept अच्छी तरह रखा गया
9 Plush सौभाग्यशाली और सुखद
10 Opulent धनी और भव्य


Meaning of Scrubby in Hindi:

The term “scrubby” in Hindi can be translated as “बीरा” (beera) or “बद्दूर” (baddoor), both of which convey the idea of something being untidy, shabby, or of poor quality. “बीरा” is often used to describe something that is rough or covered with uneven growth, such as scruffy vegetation or unkempt surroundings. “बद्दूर” generally refers to something that is not well-kept or is in a state of disrepair.


Scrubby ka matlab Kya hai:

“Scrubby” ek informal term hai jo kisi cheez ko kharab ya dhundhali taur par describe karne ke liye istemal hoti hai. Iska matlab hota hai ki woh cheez ya jagah untidy, shabby, ya kisi tarah ki kharabi ya quality mein kami rakhti hai. Yeh aksar kisi jagah ya vastu ko ghaerayi se dekhne ya chhune par aata hai.


Concluding Scrubby meaning in Hindi

Scrubby meaning in Hindi” is a blog featured on the EnglishToHindis website, elucidating the interpretation of the term “scrubby” in Hindi. The blog succinctly defines “scrubby” as “बीरा” or “बद्दूर,” capturing its essence of conveying untidiness or shabbiness. This resource serves as a valuable linguistic guide for those seeking a nuanced understanding of the term in the context of Hindi language and expression.

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