Scandal Meaning in Hindi

Scandal Meaning in Hindi

  Scandal Meaning in Hindi and Definition: कांड/ बदनामी

Friends, today we will learn the new word Scandal meaning in Hindi with definitions, examples, synonyms, antonyms nouns, etc. Scandal is an English-language word. We all should understand the meaning of scandal in Hindi to enhance our English vocabulary so that we can use it in Hindi and English conversations in our daily lives. Knowing the Hindi translation of Scandal English words will also improve our communication and speaking skills, which will ultimately help to grow our English knowledge and confidence level.

Scandal Hindi Meaning = कांड, बदनामी

Scandal meaning in English,  This refers to an event or occurrence that causes public outrage, often due to its morally or legally questionable nature.


What is the meaning of Scandal in English and Hindi?

WORD Scandal Meaning in English  Scandal का हिंदी में मतलब
Scandal Slander, stigma, and defamation कांड, बदनामी, कलंक


Learning Scandal Meaning in Hindi with Example

Sr. No. Scandal Meaning in English with Example Scandal Meaning in Hindi with Example
1. A government scandal shocked citizens. अविनाश और सीता के बीच एक राजनीतिक घटना हुई।
2. A financial scandal exposed corruption. आर्या के छुपे राजस्व की एक घटना सामने आई।
3. The media highlighted the celebrity scandal. दीपा की स्कूल में एक शिक्षा संबंधी घटना हुई।
4. The educational scandal affected students’ trust. राहुल के कारोबार में एक आर्थिक घटना सुरक्षित हुई।
5. A social scandal sparked community discussions. मीना के सामाजिक संबंधों में एक घटना हुई।


English-Word Scandal Nouns

  • Expose
  • Controversy
  • Infamy
  • Outrage
  • Betrayal


What are similar words or synonyms for Scandal in Hindi and English?

Sr. No. Scandal Similar Words in English  Scandal के समानार्थक शब्द हिन्दी में 
1. Disgrace अपमान
2. Misconduct दुराचार
3. Shameful incident शर्मनाक घटना
4. Lewdness अश्लीलता
5. Stigma कलंक


What are the opposite opposite words or antonyms of Scandal in Hindi and English?

Sr. No. Antonyms of Scandal in English  Antonyms of Scandal in Hindi
1. Virtue श्रेष्ठता
2. Clean साफ
3. Morality नीति
4. Education शिक्षा
5. Generosity उदारता


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Scandal ka matlab kya hai?

स्कैंडल का अर्थ है ऐसी घटना या समाचार जो लोगों में आश्चर्य, शर्मिंदगी या नैतिक व्यवहार के विरुद्ध हो। यह घटना किसी व्यक्ति, संस्था या सरकार के लिए शर्मनाक है.


Scandal का हिन्दी अर्थ

Scandal का हिन्दी अर्थ होता है “घटना” या “कंड”। यह एक ऐसी घटना को सूचित करता है जो सामाजिक, नैतिक या कानूनी दृष्टि से अनुपयुक्त होती है और जिससे लोगों में आक्रोश, आश्चर्य, या निन्दा होती है। इससे संबंधित व्यक्ति, संगठन, या सरकार का नाम खराब हो सकता है और उन्हें जनता की आलोचना का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।


Conclusion on Scandal in Hindi

Scandal meaning in Hindi blog on EnglishToHindis enlightens readers on controversial events, fostering language skills while navigating societal complexities.

Congratulations on learning about the word Scandal in Hindi! Understanding such terms not only strengthens your language skills but also equips you to navigate the intricacies of society. Stay tuned for more word explorations on EnglishToHindis. Happy learning!


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