Harmony Meaning in Hindi

Harmony Meaning in Hindi

      Harmony Meaning in Hindi and Definition: तालमेल

In this article, you will get the English-to-Hindi meaning and translation of Harmony Meaning in Hindi with definitions, nouns, synonyms, antonyms, sentence usage examples, and pronunciation.

Harmony is an English-language word. We all should understand the Hindi meaning of harmony to enhance our English vocabulary so that we can use this Harmony in Hindi and English conversation in our daily lives. Knowing the Hindi translation of Harmony  English words will also improve our communication and speaking skills, which will ultimately help to grow our English knowledge and confidence level.


Harmony Hindi Meaning  = तालमेल, मधुर सम्बन्ध

Harmony Meaning in English = to a state of peaceful coexistence, agreement, or balance


What is the meaning of Harmony  in English and Hindi?

WORD Harmony Meaning in English  Harmony का हिंदी में मतलब
        Harmony to a state of peaceful coexistence, agreement, or balance तालमेल, मधुर सम्बन्ध


Learning Harmony Meaning in Hindi with Example

Sr. No. Harmony Meaning in English with Example Harmony Meaning in Hindi with Example
1. The music resonated with perfect harmony. संगीत में सुरों की सहमति हमेशा हरित रहनी चाहिए।
2. Their voices blended in beautiful harmony. प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य में हमेशा समानता और संगति बनी रहती है।
3. The colors in the painting created a sense of harmony. सफलता के लिए समृद्धि और मेहनत में संगति होनी चाहिए।
4. In nature, the birds and the stream created a harmonious melody. उनकी मित्रता में हमेशा सहमति और संगति रहती है।
5. The team worked together in harmony to achieve success. एक अच्छे समाज के लिए विभिन्न वर्गों के बीच संगति बहुत आवश्यक है।


English Word Harmony Nouns

  • Accord
  • Unity
  • Concord
  • Balance
  • Agreement

What are Similar words/synonyms of Harmony in Hindi and English?

Sr. No. Harmony  Similar Words in English  Harmony के समानार्थक शब्द हिन्दी में 
1. Unity एकता
2. Accord समझौता
3. Concord समन्वय
4. Agreement सहमति
5. Symmetry सममिति


What are Oppositive words/antonyms of Harmony in Hindi and English?

Sr. No. Antonyms of Harmony in English  Antonyms of Harmony in Hindi
1. Discord असमंजस
2. Dissonance असमंजस
3. Conflict संघर्ष
4. Dissent असहमति
5. Incompatibility असंगति


Harmony ka Matlab Kya hai?

Harmony ka arth hai sahayog, samanjasya, aur samanta. Yeh shabd ek sukhad meljol, samvedana, ya sanyog ka abhipray darshata hai. Samanvay evam meljol mein sthiti mein, bhinn tatvon ya vyaktiyon ke sahayog se utpann shantipurn bhavna ko darshata hai, jisse ek samanya samvedana aur samriddhi ki anubhuti hoti hai.


Harmony का हिन्दी अर्थ

Harmony का हिन्दी अर्थ है “समान्वय” या “सामंजस्य”। यह शब्द विभिन्न तत्वों या व्यक्तियों के साथ सुखद समंजस्य और समरूपता की भावना को सूचित करता है, जिससे समृद्धि, शांति और सामंजस्य की भावना उत्पन्न होती है।


Also, Read below Articles to Learn New  English Words

Final words on Harmony in Hindi

In this blog on EnglishToHindi, we uncovered the meaning of Harmony in Hindi. Grasping such English words in your native language enhances language skills. Embracing new words not only enriches vocabulary but also refines communication and speaking abilities. The objective is to present straightforward explanations in English, ensuring accessibility for a wider audience, fostering improved language understanding and communication skills.


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