Eventually Meaning in Hindi

Eventually Meaning in Hindi

               Eventually Meaning in Hindi- अंततः

Let’s describe Eventually Meaning in Hindi. The word “eventually” can be translated into Hindi as “आख़िरकार” (pronounced akhirkaar) or “अंततः” (pronounced antatah). These Hindi words convey the idea of something happening after a period of time or as a result of a sequence of events.

Eventually= अंततः, अंत में
Eventually, meaning in English: lastly, accordingly

Eventually meaning in Hindi and English

Word  Eventually in English Eventually in Hindi
Eventually lastly, accordingly अंततः, अंत में

Eventually meaning in Hindi with Example 

Sr. No. Eventually meaning in English with Example Eventually meaning in Hindi with Example
1 Despite facing many challenges, she eventually achieved her goal. कई चुनौतियों का सामना करने के बावजूद, उसने आख़िरकार अपना लक्ष्य हासिल किया।
2 After years of hard work, he eventually became successful in his career. कई सालों के मेहनत के बाद, उसने आख़िरकार अपने करियर में सफलता प्राप्त की।
3 The project faced delays, but it eventually got completed on time. परियोजना में देरी हो गई, लेकिन आख़िरकार समय पर पूर्ण हो गई।
4 Despite the initial disagreements, they eventually reached a consensus. प्रारंभिक असहमति के बावजूद, उन्होंने आख़िरकार समर्थन दर्ज किया।
5 It took some time, but they eventually forgave each other. थोड़ा समय लगा, लेकिन उन्होंने आख़िरकार एक दूसरे को माफ कर दिया।

English Word Eventually Nouns

  • Conclusion
  • Outcome
  • Result
  • Resolution
  • Culmination


Synonyms of Eventually in Hindi and English

Sr. No. Synonyms of Eventually in English Synonyms of Eventually in Hindi 
1 Ultimately अंत में
2 Finally अंततः
3 In the end, अंत में
4 At last आख़िरकार
5 Sooner or later जल्दी या धीरे-धीरे

Antonyms of Eventually in Hindi and English

Ar. No. Antonyms of Eventually in English Antonyms of Eventually in Hindi
1 Immediately तुरंत
2 Instantly तत्काल
3 Quickly तेजी से
4 Promptly समय पर
5 Swiftly शीघ्र

Eventually ka matlab Kya hai

Eventually या “अंततः” शब्द का अर्थ है “आखिरकार”। यह शब्द किसी प्रक्रिया, समय या स्थिति के बाद होने वाले किसी घटना या परिणाम को दर्शाता है। किसी घटना या प्रक्रिया के अंत में होने वाले विशिष्ट समय को बताने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जाता है।


Meaning of eventually in Hindi

Hindi शब्द eventually का अर्थ है “आख़िरकार” या “अंततः”। यह शब्द किसी प्रक्रिया, समय या स्थिति के बाद होने वाले किसी घटना या परिणाम को बताता है। किसी घटना या प्रक्रिया के अंत में होने वाले विशिष्ट समय को बताने के लिए इसका इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।


Concluding Eventually meaning in Hindi

Eventually means “आख़िरकार” or “अंततः” in Hindi, according to the text of the blog entry Eventually Meaning in Hindi on the EnglishToHindis website. For readers who want a clear knowledge of the term’s Hindi counterparts, this page is a useful reference. In general, it improves users’ linguistic expertise and makes language comprehension easier.

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