At Least Meaning in Hindi : कम से कम |
Namaste! Welcome to EnglishToHindis, your go-to destination for learning English words with their Hindi meanings. Today, let’s dive into the word At Least meaning in Hindi. We’re here to make your English learning journey enjoyable and accessible.
At Least Hindi Meaning = कम से कम
At Least meaning in English, is used to indicate the minimum or smallest amount, degree, or quantity required.
What is the meaning of At Least in English and Hindi?
WORD | At Least Meaning in English | At Least का हिंदी में मतलब |
At Least | At Minimum, At the very least | कम से कम, कम से कम पर |
Learning At Least Meaning in Hindi with Example
Sr. No. | At Least Meaning in English with Example | At Least Meaning in Hindi with Example |
1. | At least she tried her best. | राज ने कम से कम सात पुस्तकें पढ़ीं। |
2. | Bring an umbrella, at least. | अर्जुन ने कम से कम दो घंटे खेले। |
3. | He ate at least two sandwiches. | दीपा ने कम से कम तीन बार स्विमिंग की। |
4. | Finish your homework, at least. | सिमा ने कम से कम चार पेज लिखे। |
5. | You can call, at least. | मोहन ने कम से कम दो स्टार्स देखे। |
Related Phrase or Sentences Meaning in Hindi
Sr. No. | Related phrase with At Least | Hindi Translations |
1 |
At least one meaning in Hindi
कम से कम एक |
2 |
Has at least meaning in Hindi
कम से कम है |
3 |
At least one meaning in Hindi
कम से कम एक |
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At Least का हिन्दी अर्थ
At Least का हिंदी अर्थ “कम से कम” होता है। यह व्यक्ति किसी मिनिमम स्तर, संख्या, या मात्रा को दर्शाने के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है। इसका उपयोग किसी चीज को कम से कम एक निर्दिष्ट स्तर तक कहने में किया जाता है।