Wonky Meaning in Hindi

Wonky Meaning in Hindi

        Wonky Meaning in Hindi and Definition: डाँवाँडोल

In this article, you will get the English to Hindi meaning and translation of Wonky Meaning in Hindi with definitions, nouns, synonyms, antonyms, sentence usage examples, and pronunciation.

Wonky is an English-language word. We all should understand the Hindi meaning of Wonky to enhance our English vocabulary so that we can use this Wonky in Hindi and English conversations in our daily lives. Knowing the Hindi translation of wonky English words will also improve our communication and speaking skills, which will ultimately help to grow our English knowledge and confidence level.


Wonky Hindi Meaning  = डाँवाँडोल, जर्जर

Wonky Meaning in English = shaky, or not functioning correctly


What is the meaning of wonky in English and Hindi?

WORD Wonky Meaning in English  Wonky का हिंदी में मतलब
            Wonky shaky, or not functioning correctly डाँवाँडोल, जर्जर


Learning Wonky Meaning in Hindi with Example

Sr. No. Wonky Meaning in English with Example Wonky Meaning in Hindi with Example
1. The table is wonky; it needs something under one leg. वह टेबल थोड़ी सी wonky है।
2. His explanation was a bit wonky; I didn’t quite understand it. मेरी कंप्यूटर की कुछ wonky समस्याएँ हैं।
3. The old computer is wonky; it crashes frequently. उसकी बातें आजकल थोड़ी wonky लग रही हैं।
4. The bridge felt wonky as we walked across it. यह डोर wonky हो गई है, ठीक नहीं बंद हो रही।
5. After the fall, her ankle felt wonky. उसका स्वास्थ्य आजकल wonky है, वह ठीक से खा नहीं सकता।


English Word Wonky Nouns

  • Instability
  • Irregularity
  • Uneasiness
  • Unsteadiness
  • Dysfunction


What are similar words or synonyms of Wonky in Hindi and English?

Sr. No.   Wonky Similar Words in English  Wonky के समानार्थक शब्द हिन्दी में 
1. Unsteady अस्थिर
2. Wobbly डगमगाता
3. Unstable अस्थायी
4. Shaky कंपकंपी
5. Rickety टूट-फूट


What are the oppositive words or synonyms of wonky in Hindi and English?

Sr. No. Antonyms of Wonky in English  Antonyms of Wonky in Hindi
1. Steady स्थिर
2. Reliable विश्वसनीय
3. Secure सुरक्षित
4. Sound स्वस्थ
5. Strong मजबूत


Wonky ka Matlab Kya hai?

Wonky ka matlab hai kuch ashtir, asaman ya asthir hona. Isse kisi cheez ya sthiti ki avyavastha, asamarthya ya avyavasthitata ka bodh hota hai. Yeh shabd aam taur par kisi vastu ka sthir ya samanya sthiti se bahut alag hone ko darshata hai.


Wonky का हिन्दी अर्थ

Wonky का हिंदी अर्थ है अस्थिर या विकृत। इससे किसी वस्तु, प्रक्रिया, या स्थिति की असमर्थता, अस्थिरता, या अस्वाभाविक या अविश्वसनीय गुण को व्यक्त करने के लिए उपयोग होता है।


Also, Read below Articles to Learn New  English Words


Final words on Wonky in Hindi

In conclusion, this blog on Wonky meaning in Hindi on EnglishToHindis offers valuable insights into the term. Understanding its meaning in Hindi enhances comprehension of English words, contributing to improved communication skills.  Embrace this linguistic journey on EnglishToHindis for a seamless experience where simplicity meets language enrichment.


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